Apachebooster Cpanel


Dynamic sites are those which use a server-side technology such as PHP, normally closely a database following MySQL. In our court lawsuit, we have a large number of Word Press content dealing out sites (including Dedicated UK Hosting) which have the funds for leave to enter our users to shorten their websites within an enormously nice, light interface.

As we announced some era ago, in a share of this quest for shortened load grow pass-fashioned, we were already using the Cloud Flare CDN (Content Delivery Network) which keeps copies of our files regarding servers in fable to the world therefore that taking into account visitors access our sites, they acquire a copy of the files from somewhere geographically nearer to them than our servers which forward occurring to shorten the grow earliest it takes to load the site.

The adjacent investigative step was to install a lightweight web server. We currently use the Apache web server which is incredibly intelligent however as well as has quite a high footprint. It uses a lot of server resources in order to be clever to lecture to the full range of its functionality. Nginx is a competently known, lightweight web server, capable of delivering static resources (html and images) and forwarding requests it cannot handle onwards to Apache. The memory used by Nginx (pronounced Engine X) is small and predictable. Nginx first came into our view as it’s used by some utterly tall traffic sites including Netflix and CloudFlare (who we mentioned earlier approaching as providing our CDN).

Nginx has the additional along in addition to of beast lighthearted to be control in opposition to Varnish, a caching server which performs same functionality as a CDN; it works as an HTTP Accelerator for content-oppressive vivacious sites.

There are of course a number of ways to install Nginx and Varnish, you could of course compile from source. I however stumbled across the ApacheBooster CPanel application which made the installation process incredibly handy and provides a GUI in WHM to bolster later than config and administration.